Eugene was born in Woonsocket on November 18, 1932. He is the son of Armand and Marie Louise, nee Tellier, Peloquin. He was the youngest of eight children. The Peloquin's worshipped at St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church right down the street from the family cottage at 205 Gaulin Avenue.
Eugene attended school at St. Ann's, Mount Saint Charles Academy, Our Lady of Providence Seminary, Providence College and Boston University. Eugene also served in the US Navy seeing active duty on destroyers from 1956-1959 and reserve duty from 1959-1981.
On April 22, 1961 he married Madeleine M. Crepeau at Our lady of Victories Church in Woonsocket. The couple had 5 children Louise, Anne-Marie, Christine, Robert and Stephen. They also have 8 grandchildren.
Eugene started his teaching career as a 5th grade teacher eventually becoming the principal at Bushee, Union Village, Fire Station, Eleanor Howard Kindergarten, Kendall-Dean and Dr. Harry L. Halliwell Schools
Now in retirement he volunteers at the Museum of Work and Culture.