Florette was born on January 21, 1920 to Frank and Palmyre Lavallee. She was one of nine children. The family lived on Privilege Street. Florette left the 8th grade at age 15 to work in the Glenark Mill in 1935. She earned $7 per week and worked 40 hours per week. She was a quick learner and became a proficient spinner and winder. In 1939 her wages were increased to $14 per week and after WWII broke out she was able to earn up to $40 per week doing "piece work". Her earnings helped to support her family.
In 1940 while working at the Sydney Blumenthal mill she was injured in a terrible industrial accident. She was in the hospital for six weeks and her recovery took a full year and included several surgeries. Florette lived into her nineties fully capable of recalling times with the family about her work and life in Woonsocket. She taught our family the importance of a good work ethic.