Lorraine Lydia Robin

Submitted by Woonsocket_Admin on Tue, 02/27/2018 - 15:48
Submitter's First Name
Submitter's Last Name
Relationship to Honoree
Mill Employee First Name
Mill Employee Middle Name
Mill Employee Last Name
Mill Employee Maiden Name
Mill Employee Workplace 1
Jacob Finkelstein and Sons
Job Title 1
Stitcher - Piecework
Mill Employee Start Date 1
Mill Employee End Date 1
Mill Employee Photo
Biography Text

Lorraine's very first job was working at Finkelstein's, and the photo is from that time of employment - 1958 - when Lorraine was 16 years old. She remained with the firm until 1960. At first Lorraine was very nervous with the new job, but found the trainers and co-workers helpful. Soon she was quite comfortable stitching collars and attaching them to jackets It was piecework and if quotas were made, there was a $25 bonus. As the seasons changed Lorraine moved from assembling Winter garments to Spring-wear. She also worked on the Corrections team, repairing mistakes in finished garments, so that they could then be resubmitted to pass a final quality control inspection. Lorraine remembers warmly her first Christmas with Finkelstein's when every employee received a turkey, an apple pie, and a box of chocolates to take home to the family celebration. She was pleasantly surprised to realize that all employees were included...even the first year rookies like herself. She moved on to other opportunities with another company after 3 years with the firm, but has kept the fondest of memories of that first job...and the good times... and the fine co-workers she found at Finkelstein's.