The Masurel’s 40 year enterprise in Woonsocket ended in August 1964 when the site closed permanently. At the time, it was the city’s 7th largest taxpayer and employed 190 operatives.
In November 1964, the mill’s properties were sold for about $175,000 to Samuel Brickle, 25, who was associated with his father in the Hyman Brickle & Son Co., which dealt in waste yarns. At the time of sale the Brickle firm began occupying a portion of the building, and leased space to other companies, including Sadwin Manufacturing.
In 1983, Hyman Brickle & Son purchased the Chicago based Northwest Woolen Mills and moved the industrial blanket operation to the Singleton Street mill. Over the next 20 years, they developed 7 more product lines of wool and felt.
In 1988, the company began a partnership with Bouckaert Industrial Textile. Also housed at the Singleton Street location in Woonsocket, they produced wool blankets. BIT was eventually absorbed by Brickle.
<i>Image courtesy of the Brickle Group</i>