Globe Mill

Submitted by Woonsocket_Admin on Wed, 09/20/2017 - 11:13

In 1827, James Arnold (who owned nearly all of the land that constitutes modern Woonsocket) sold six acres to Thomas Arnold, Thomas A. Paine and Marvel Shove, for $2,000. The three men used the site to construct a three story cotton mill for their newly constituted Globe Company. Production began with 2,000 spindles & 50 looms. Within two years the company failed and Samuel Shove became the owner of the property. The property was sold to Thomas Sprague & Sons in 1834, and in 1846 Edward Sprague (one of the sons) became sole owner.

<i>Image courtesy of Woonsocket Historical Society</i>

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Mill Location

Era Name
Era 1: 1800-1849